Who we are – Our story
Passion for coffee since 1938
In order to understand what is La Tazza d’oro let’s go back in time of 80 years, when the spouses Giuseppe and Carmela Murgia opened the first coffee roasting in the city of Cagliari. Memorable years of changes and progresses that we want to trace back with you.
It was 1938, in Sardinia coffee was rare as a product, restricted to a limited élite due to the raw material cost and to the lack of roasters in the area. Whoever stopped at Cagliari was used to go visit the roasting or one of the “fresh milled” coffee retails La Tazza d’oro.
Thanks to the founder’s passion, to his constant commitment and to the attention to the clients, this beverage spread all lover Sardinia and became commonly used.
The attitude to innovation and to search for continuous improvements, brought our company to grow even more and to open in the ‘70s a factory in Viale Elmas, equipped with state of the art machinery.
This way we have been able to improve out production capacity in order to face the growing demands.
In 2008 La Tazza d’oro moved to larger premises in the location of Macchiareddu – Cagliari, from which the consignments packets are shipped to the sale points within short time from their packing, in order to ensure the delivery of product always fresh. The result is a coffee toasted and made in Sardinia, whose trip will proudly cross the borders of the island.
The company makes available its own knowledge in the sector organizing sectors events like Coffee Campus and training courses on the territory through Training LAB.

From 2012
It is a common passion that had two important realities of the Italian roasting story meet, a strong and intense passion like the best of coffees.
La Tazza d’oro thanks for being part of the group KIMBO, shares the same criteria and quality processes in the various production stages:
- selection of the best roots of raw coffee (constantly monitored and checked by the group experts);
- monitoring the pre-production stages, toasting and blending.
Add to this the further benefit in the stage of acquisition of raw materials: tank to the contribution by Interkom, a group company specialized in raw coffee trading, La Tazza d’oro is carefully monitoring the coffee harvests in the various territories of the tropical zone. Coffee in fact is a product that comes from the ground, the same plantation every year produces different fruits that change according to the season, the weather and the meteorological conditions. The Interkom experts identify every year the best harvests, and the qualities that are more suitable to compose the recipes La Tazza d’oro and let them always be the same ones over time.

Today we are leader in Sardinia with our three brands – La Tazza d’oro, Caffè Karalis and Adesso Espresso – and our coffees are known, appreciated and distributed in more than 20 Countries and in three continents. Thanks to the years of expertise and to brave and innovative entrepreneurial choices, we are able to offer a wide selection of quality products and an accurate service to the clients, that represent our distinctive features.
La Tazza d’oro has been able to create and invest in technology, the good and genuine one, always respecting the culture and tradition of good coffee. We are always been committed to satisfy every taste and to ensure a constant quality in time of any of its blend. It is just experience, technical ability and its taste that make this an extraordinary coffee.
Versatility is another distinctive feature: with the bar line/Ho.re.ca (in grains, ground and in capsules) and the home line (in grains, ground for moka and for espresso machine, pods and capsules) we go towards the specific needs of two different sectors. Different blends where the basic ingredients are always the same: passion, innovation and continuous commitment to find the right taste.